What is Spiritual Direction?
Many of us are longing for MORE. We hunger for more satisfying relationships with others and a deeper sense of meaning in our lives. I believe these longings are an expression of a deeper desire for a relationship with God*, whether we realize it or not. Saint Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless, O God, until they rest in you." Spiritual Direction can help us address that longing for more.
* I will continue to use "God" but feel free to substitute “Sophia”, "higher power", or whatever term/title you prefer to use.
Spiritual direction offers clients or directees (those receiving direction) an opportunity to seek guidance for their spiritual - or inner - lives. It goes by many different names - such as spiritual companionship, spiritual guidance, and spiritual counselling - that indicate the multiple dimensions this ministry might entail. Spiritual direction is a practice of deep listening - listening on the part of the director and as well as helping the directee to listen more deeply to their inner lives. Ultimately, the One we are listening to is God. Spiritual direction helps us become more attentive to the presence of God in the midst of our daily lives and experiences.
It's also important to note what spiritual direction is not:
Spiritual direction is NOT therapy or counselling, though it does support healing and wholeness.
Spiritual direction is NOT preaching or teaching, though there may be moments when wisdom and knowledge are shared.
Spiritual direction is NOT navel-gazing, though personal reflection and self-awareness are vital.